封面图:祁连山系11,2015 庄辉 在新一期杂志里 您将读到以下精彩内容 卷首语 12 乡愁与愿景 资讯 18 资讯 图像事件 22 浮光掠影,倒看如流 文/郑萍萍 专题 山水的当代摄影表达 25 山水的当代摄影表达——代编辑手记 文/钟华连 27 从风景到山水再到观念——关于摄影与绘画的互文性辨析 文/杨小彦 34 反叛与重构——洪磊谈“山水”创作 摄影/洪磊 采访/钟华连 42 闲谈“雅虐” 摄影并文/洪磊 47 波澜恣意 摄影/董文胜 采访并文/许崇宝 56 寒池 摄影并文/魏壁 58 这是可以兴观群怨的风景——魏壁风景摄影二章 文/顾铮 66 新山水 摄影并文/姚璐 采访/枝木 70 2084计划与2085计划 摄影/王居延 文/魏雨檬 采访/一汐 78 丛林 摄影并文/单飞鸣 采访/枝木 85 福地 摄影/塔可 文/唐冠科 采访/夏清 90 风景、景观、山水:一种文化的隐喻与洄游 摄影并文/曾翰 103 祁连山系 摄影并文/庄辉 112 风景摄影的关键词 文/段炼 本土 116 问道 摄影并文/王达军 124 问道巴蜀——与王达军关于《问道》的对谈 采访/陈小波 海外 130 莱尔·阿什顿·哈里斯摄影里的非裔民族气质 摄影/莱尔·阿什顿·哈里斯 文/何昆霖 136 美国美学中的身份政治艺术:对话莱尔·阿什顿·哈里斯、弗雷德·莫登和凯文·艾弗森 摄影/莱尔·阿什顿·哈里斯 采访/何昆霖 142 安德烈·胡耶:摄影从来不是艺术的局外人 采访/金向怡 现场 146 摄影书在哪儿?——纽约艺术书展侧记 文/郑亦然 152 市场的内与外——2018“影像上海”观察 文/林叶 业界 158 业界月评 160 相机行业的“救世主”?——从GfK 的数据看全画幅微单的过去、现在和将来 文/任静 162 拍照是呼吸——近访王文澜 摄影/王文澜 采访/本刊记者 167 雾锁冰川——访北极归来的于云天 摄影/于云天 采访/本刊记者 170 能手持的“大炮”——感受尼康最新AF-S 尼克尔500mm f/5.6远摄镜头 摄影并文/刘建军 174 海外媒体器材测评 编译/翟晓冬 CONTENTS 英文目录索引 12 FROM THE EDITOR 18 NEWS IMAGE EVENT 22 Living for Photographing Text by Zheng Pingping FEATURE SHAN SHUI IN CHINESE CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY 25 Shan Shui in Chinese Contemporary Photography Text by Zhong Hualian 28 Landscape,Shan Shui and Concept: Discussion on the Intertextuality between Photography and Painting Text by Yang Xiaoyan 34 Rebellion and Reconstruction:Hong Lei on Creating Shan Shui Photos by Hong Lei Interview by Zhong Hualian 42 Ghost Stories Photos & Text by Hong Lei 47 Unbridled Waves Photos by Dong Wensheng Interview&Text by Xu Chongbao 56 Hanchi Photos & Text by Wei Bi 58 The Poetry in Wei Bi's Shan Shui Text by Gu Zheng 66 New Mountains and Waters Photos & Text by Yao Lu Interview by Zhimu 70 Project 2084 & Project 2085 Photos by Wang Juyan Text by Wei Yumeng Interview by Yixi 78 Jungle Photos & Text by Shan Feiming Interview by Zhimu 85 Grotto Heavens Photos by Taca Sui Text by John Tancock Interview by Xiaqing 90 Landscape, Scenery and Shan Shui: a Cultural Metaphor and Breeding Migration Photos & Text by Zeng Han 103 Qilian Range Photos & Text by Zhuang Hui 112 Keywords of Landscape Photography Text by Duan Lian LOCAL 116 Inquiring into Taoism Photos & Text by Wang Dajun 124 An Interview with Wang Dajun Interview by Chen Xiaobo FROM ABROAD 130 The Blackness in Lyle Ashton Harris' Photography Photos by Lyle Ashton Harris Text by He Kunlin 136 Identity Politics Art in American Aesthetics——A Conversation wtih Lyle Ashton Harris, Fred Moten and Kevin Everson Photos by Lyle Ashton Harris Interview by He Kunlin 142 André Rouillé: Photography Has Never Been an Outsider to Art Interview by Jin Xiangyi ON LOCATION 146 NY Art Book Fair:Where is Photo Books ? Text by Jasphy Zheng 152 Inside and Outside of Market:PHOTOFAIRS Shanghai 2018 Text by Lin Ye GEAR 158 Industry Review 160 The Past, Present and Future of Full-frame Mirrorless Camera Text by Ren Jing 162 Wang Wenlan: Photographing Is Like My Breathing Photos by Wang Wenlan Interview by Staff Reporter 167 Yu Yuntian: Returning from the Arctic Pole Photos by Yu Yuntian Interview by Staff Reporter 170 Nikkor AF-S 500mm f/5.6 Test Photos & Text by Liu Jianjun 174 Equipment Tests from Overseas Media Trans. by Zhai Xiaodong